I can’t sleep.

I bet 25,000 blogs get that title a day. Or should I say night…

This happens alot lately. As soon as I lay my head down, my mind just starts racing. Tonight’s distraction begins with: My First Flight.

I realized it’s only 13 days until I take my first flight. I’m not exactly scared of the ordeal. It’s just…a big deal. Then I start thinking about my passport- why isn’t it here yet? Why doesn’t the site have my status? Then I think about how to vlog the whole trip for Warped. I’m going to need to buy some new memory cards. I guess you can film on a plane, right? Oh wait- my lens is cropped, so I need to buy a new one before I can shoot period, OH NO ONLY 13 DAYS TO USE AND MASTER MY NEW CAMERA BEFORE I HAVE TO USE IT FOR WORK. Then it starts all over again. At the moment, I can’t stop twitching my toes. Stanley at least went back to sleep after a noisy bone.

There’s just so much going on right now, I’m not sure how my head has not asploded. I need to get some focus. I need to start working out- at least then maybe I can get some sleep. I need to go back to making lists. I should get dressed up for something really nice. I’ve been having alot of good days, but I want a great one to get myself back into gear.

Maybe tomorrow?


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